About Me

Hey there, fellow wanderers,

I’m Danielle, and my love affair with Guatemala began in 2018 when I first traveled to Guatemala. Having only two weeks to explore, I decided to return with more time the next February, and volunteer at a hostel. What started as a temporary gig turned into something much more profound. I fell head over heels for the vibrant culture, the warm-hearted people, and the stunning landscapes that this country has to offer.

In 2020, a couple of friends and I decided to take the plunge and open a restaurant here. But, as they say, timing is everything, and the pandemic hit us hard. We had to overcome some tough hurdles to keep our dream alive.

Fast forward to 2022, and we found a new space to call our own. Our restaurant has been reborn, ready to tantalize taste buds and ignite foodie passions once again.

While I’ve been busy in the kitchen, I haven’t stopped exploring the nooks and crannies of this mesmerizing country. From the majestic Tikal ruins to the volcanic black sand beaches, Guatemala keeps surprising me with its natural beauty and rich cultural tapestry. And guess what? There’s still so much more to discover!

So, join me on this journey as I continue to explore Guatemala’s hidden treasures and share my insider tips for traveling in this remarkable country. From the secrets of the Maya to the soul-warming cuisine, there’s a world of adventures waiting for us to uncover.

And don’t forget, this blog isn’t just about my experiences – it’s about building a community of fellow explorers and food enthusiasts. Share your Guatemala travel tales, your favourite dishes, and the places that stole your heart in the comments below. Together, we’ll make this blog a hub for all things Guatemalan exploration.